Friday, 13 May 2016

To My Core The Petrichor

(Image Credit:

The earth kissed the soil
Stretched its arms
To embrace the moist
Soothing my core
Oh the aroma of petrichor

And lo drenched in the
Vapours of fortitude
I roll and fall
On heavenly drops of solitude

Oh the aroma of petrichor
Sways me to a distant shore
Soaking in its fragrance
The wild bloom and glance
So happily I wish
The scent to last more

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  1. This is absolutely phenomenal Anusha :D nothing like the scent of petrichor isn't it? Especially love the reference to "heavenly drops of solitude.." Beautifully executed. Thank you so much for participating at Prompt Nights and for your constant love & support.

    Lots of love,

  2. That scent is divine.. Love that enchantment.

  3. So much wonderful poetry comes from nature, and rain especially can evoke many feelings and that odor of petrichor. It's burned in my DNA from my childhood memory. Beautiful poem, Anusha...thanks so much for sharing with dVerse.
    Gayle ~

  4. The sound of your poem, the dancing, reminds of Terpsichore, dancing in the smell of the first rain.
